We Are All On A Mission

The very last instruction Jesus gave his disciples can be found in Matthew 28:18-20 

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

It is in some ways the culmination of all of his teaching on earth, a summary if you will of all of the things Jesus, fully God and fully man, taught during his time here on earth. 

Jesus is communicating to us how we can be a part of seeing heaven on earth. 

We can have so many different ideas when we read the great commission as believers. But for us it’s a reminder that there is only ONE Mission and that for it to happen its going to require sacrifice. 

As a church we have announced our support of strategic partners in this one mission. We are not on separate missions, we are all on the one mission in different locations. 

There is only one mission, and its outworked all over the world in all different contexts and languages and stages, but all for the ONE mission. 

In terms of the sacrifice, to live out the teachings of Jesus will require sacrifice. The sacrifice is that what Jesus has called us to be part of takes us all beyond our natural abilities and in turn, out of our comfort zones. 

Discipleship is part of the mission but it requires sacrifice. It’s not just for those called to far away places, the mission is for all of us! Wherever we find ourselves, the great commission is calling us out of our comfort zones and into a place where Jesus is able to use us where we are. 

The good news is that through Jesus death and resurrection, all authority now rests with Jesus and his final promise is that he is with us, always to the end of the age. 

So with all that being said, we as Citywest Church are partnering with with people across the globe in the mission, but we are also committed to living out the mission in our homes and community. To see people from all nations baptised and discipled into Christ. 

Join us on the mission wherever God has placed you. 

Much Love, 

John and Stef. 

Our Global Partnerships